We know searching through part numbers can be confusing, so we wanted to help break ours down one part at a time.
SLX was designed around ease of use and serviceability, so we wanted to make our part numbers just as simple to understand. Whether it be a foam proportioner or sanitation sprayer - we got you covered!
In the video above, we break down the part number for a venturi sanitizer, with a 4.2GPM max flow rate, stainless-steel body, and 1 inlet for chemical dilution. Its part number comes out to be SLX-VS42S.
Let's break that down again with a different model configuration:
The above graphic shows the part number architecture with a Venturi Foamer as an example. Looking at this part number we can identify that an SLX-VF14P-2 is a Venturi Foamer, with a 1.4 GPM max flow rate, polypropylene body, and dual inlets for connecting 2 chemistries at once.
The specifications for the different models and types of sanitation equipment vary quite a bit. Check out the table below for more information:
Or view the specifications for each part number, individually, here:
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